The Castlepoint Races have been a staple of Wairarapa summers for generations, and it has now been immortalised in book form through the launch of 'Racing Against Time - 150 Years Of Horse Racing At Castlepoint,' reports Commissioned by the Castlepoint Racing Club, the 200-page coffee table-sized book has been a labour of love for author Matt Philp and photographer Lottie Hedley over the last couple of years. 'Racing Against Time' encapsulates the rich history of the meeting, from its rural roots to the modern day, where the undie 100, fashion parade, and Kids Big Dig bring added entertainment to the event. Castlepoint Racing Club President Scott Whitehead is looking forward to launching the book this weekend at the Castlepoint Woolshed, the venue of the famous Friday Night Calcutta, which is held the evening prior to the Castlepoint races every year. "We have had attempts at trying to record the history. There was a generation that was getting older and we wanted to get their thoughts written down," said Whitehead. The book launch will take place at the Castlepoint Station Old Woolshed on Sunday, October 22, at 4pm where the book will be available to purchase for $55. Books can also be ordered via the club's website: or emailing